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Agenda Trainingen

Imagine being at peace with insecurity

november 18, 2020 -Yvonne Jeucken

“Unless I let intensity flow through my body,

My mind will grab it, resist it

When I resist it, I lose connection

With myself, with others

If I see resistance as an invitation, to open my heart to it

Being ok with discomfort, embrace my discomfort

Then natural grief arises

It stretches my capacity

Imagine being at peace with insecurity

Can you rest into a trust in yourself?

The mind is conditioned to resist pain, manage control and stay with what is familiar

Allowing means letting go of these parts of me that are grasping

After all the best thing one can do when it’s raining, is to let it rain”


This is how some sentences of Robert Gonzalez landed in me. A mix of his thoughts, as I heard him voice them, in his clear and soft powerful voice. Reading my notes this morning, it was like a dance, a poem. I was reminded of Søren Kierkegaard. “To let go is to lose your foothold temporarily. Not to let go is to lose your foothold forever.” 

Geweldloze communicatie gaat niet alleen over het gesprek met de ander, meer nog over het onbewuste gesprek met jezelf. 

Nieuwsgierig? Zie agenda trainingen of mail je vraag naar info@hartigetaal.nl


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